As of writing (2022), we are signatories to more than 140 reciprocal representation agreements. We cooperate closely with organisations such as GEMA in Germany and BMI in the United States.
ZAiKS signed its first international agreement with SACEM (France) on 1 October 1926, closely followed by an agreement with PRS (UK) on 31 January 1927. Many of the representation agreements signed prior to World War II continue up to this day, with such societies as AKM (Austria), SGAE (Spain), OSA (Czech Republic), STIM (Sweden), TONO (Norway), KODA (Denmark), TEOSTO (Finland), SIAE (Italy), BUMA (Netherlands), SADAIC (Argentina) and ASCAP (United States).
With all these reciprocal representation agreements in place alongside our continued involvement in CISAC and our presence within the global rights management system, ZAiKS proudly represents over 4 million internationalauthors, with 65 million works currently under management. Working closely with CISAC affiliated associations enables us to collect royalties for both international authors in Poland and Polish authors abroad. At the same time,any works submitted to ZAiKS for protection are entered into the CISAC database, receiving immediate protection abroad.